Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article deals with the problems of practice-oriented education in preparing workforce in Russia. Decline in prestige and deficit of the supply of workers remain one of the most pressing problems of the state and society, which has negative impacts on the economy, the social sphere, the general state of national culture. According to the authors, to fill this lack requires, implementing an independent state policy in the field of education and science, aimed at active three-way interaction of educational institutions training mid-level professionals, students and employers. Such interaction can be achieved under the condition of students, representatives of educational institutions and employers´ awareness of high responsibility for the present and the future of the state, mutual, purposeful and active participation of everyone. The result of this work should include the training of highly educated and cultural practitioners, demanded on the labor market specialists. As an example of an effective solution of the identified problem, the authors consider the operations of the multipurpose center for appliedqualifications at Russian State University of Tourism and Service (Moscow), which is a new model of the system of staff training and the formation of applied qualifications. The essence of this model is centered on a more active involvement of employers in the activities of educational institutions: in making strategic and operational decisions in the field of vocational training, in funding training programs, in the formation of standards of vocational training of students, teacher training, training and internships on industrial base, in paying costs of training which is provided by the company. Multifunction centers for applied qualifications, according to the authors, will allow the state to overcome youth unemployment, society to enhance the contribution ofvocational training in the economic development of Russia, students to find jobs, and employers to overcome the deficiency of worker qualifications, distrust towards the system of vocational education and create incentives to partnership.

practice-oriented education, multi-function centers for application qualifications, workers

Практико-ориентированное образование в России - неотъемлемый признак каждого свободного, независимого и демократического государства. Из ежегодных посланий Президента Российской Федерации Федеральному собранию Российской Федерации следует, что образование на всех его этапах, включая подготовку специалистов рабочих специальностей.


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