Requirements for the article layout published in electronic journal “Service plus”

The structure of the article

UDC (Universal Decimal Classification) code

Title of the article

The title should be informative, expressive and should reflect the content of the article and attract the readers ‘ attention. In the title and throughout the article, the author should strictly follow the scientific style of speech. The title should clearly reflect the main theme of the study and it shouldn’t mislead readers about the issues discussed in the article. The title needs to include some of the keywords which reflect the article content. You can use only standard abbreviations in the title of the article. It is impossible to include in the title untranslatable slang known only to your-language-speaking specialists.

Surname, name, academic degrees and titles (if they exist), author’s e-mail; full name of organization with city and country

The abstract

The abstract should contain 200-250 words and should include the following elements:

  • subject, topic, aim, hypothesis of the research;
  • methodology of research;
  • the results and their meaning (scientific contribution), conclusions
  • the application field of the research results;
  • limits and directions for the future research.

Abstract is an independent text describing the main results of the research without reference to the article itself, so you need to avoid references and abbreviations. The text of the abstract should be informative and free from secondary information (including introductory information, etc.).

Keywords (up to 10 words (if you use the phrase, no more than two words), without full stop at the end of the list)

Thanks (if they exist)

The article text

The article should be structured in the format “Introduction, methods, results and discussion”:

  • Introduction;
  • Theory;
  • Data and Methods;
  • Methods or Model;
  • Results;
  • Conclusions or Discussion and Implication.

If the main part of the article is rather extensive, it should be divided into paragraphs (sections) at the rate of approximately 2-3 pages – one paragraph (one section)


The text layout of the article

Total volume of the article should be from 15 to 17 pages, typed in Times New Roman 12 PT with 1.5 intervals.

All articles should be saved as *doc, *docx, *rtf.

Page setup: use margins of 2,5 cm on all sides, single spacing, standard tab stops (1.27 cm).

In the text, and in all objects added to the file, you should use a standard font software, font and spacing should conform to the General design of the text.


Tthe file with the article text should be accompanied by all figures in separated files in the format*. jpeg, *jpg, *tiff, *. xls, in addition to the drawings made in Microsoft Word. Illustrations should be visible, graphically expressive, clear and distinct. All figures should be numbered, and a caption title in of figures should be placed below the figure and should be italicized. Figures should be provided in the format which allows editing and changing the configuration without any additional authors’ help. Graphics can be colored. description of the text figures using the vocabulary denoting color (e.g., “it’s noted in blue in the table…”, etc.) is allowed. The figures should be always placed in the text after the reference. Objects in figures created in MS Word should be grouped. Objects created with anything other software except MS Word, must be either in *jpeg (or. jpg), or *tiff, with a resolution of at least 72 dpi (screen resolution) and no smaller than 1500×1500 (dots per inch) or the size of 164 mm in width and the resolution 300 dpi.


The table number should be right-aligned and in italics, the table heading should be centered and in bold.

Numeration of the tables is pass-through. Under the table or in the footnote there should be some information specified on the basis of what sources they were derived.


The numbering of the formulas is right-aligned.

Formulas are made in the editor MS Equation or MathType with the ability to edit them. You shouldn’t use automatic numbering of formulas and cross-references to formulas or the list of references in the text.


The references are listed at the end of the article and should contain about 20 sources, self-citations shouldn’t be more than 10%.

In the text in square brackets indicates the sequence number of the link in accordance with the list of references and page number [1, p. 34]. After the text of the article you should list sources in order of appearance in the text. The list of references should contain information about the scientific works, not about legislative and normative acts, statistical publications, newspaper articles, links to websites and theses (you should use footnote references). It’s not recommended to include information about sources, published more than 5 years ago, and about thesis abstracts in the list of references. If reference objects are multiple, they are united in one comprehensive reference. In this case, the reference objects are listed using a semicolon. For example: [15]; [15, p. 103-122]; [1; 15; 34]; [1, p. 215; 32, p. 18; 215, p. 4-22]. Sources in the reference list are arranged in the following way.

  1. Mono-edition with multiple authors.

Sternberg R.J., Forsythe G.B., Hedlund J., Practical intelligence in everyday life.  St. Petersburg: Piter, 2002, 272 p.

  1. Article in the collection of works.

Ratanova T.A., Relationship of intelligence indicators and cognitive differentiation depending on the student learning specialization. Psychology of intelligence and creativity: traditions and innovations: proceedings of scientific conference dedicated to the memory of Ya. A. Ponomarev and V. N. Druzhinin (Moscow, October 7-8, 2010). Moscow: IP RAN, 2010, pp. 162–170.

  1. Article in the journal

Taylor C.W., Cultirating multiple creative talents in students. Journal for the Education of the Giften, vol. 8, 1985, pp. 187–198.

  1. Article in the electronic journal

Torosyan L.D., Stepanenko K.A., Efimova L.N., On the need for language personnel training in tourism in severobaikal region. Service in Russia and abroad, vol. 10,  no.  3 (64), 2016, pp. 60–72. Available at:  (Accessed on November 25, 2016).

Features of referencing to the legislative and normative documentation, statistical and reference collections, electronic resources (excluding e-scientific publications)

As mentioned above, links to websites, Internet sources (not valid for articles, monographs etc. published on the Internet), legal documentation (laws, decrees, acts, etc.), statistical compilations, theses are placed in the article text in footnotes and they are not mentioned in the references.

Article layout

To send the article authors should confirm the following points. The article may be returned to authors if it doesn’t correspond to them.

  1. This article has not been previously published, and it’s not present for review and publication in another journal (or there is the author’s explanation of this in the comments to the editor).
  2. File of the sent articles is presented in the format of Microsoft Word document or RTF.
  3. There are full web addresses (URL) for links where it’s possible.
  4. The text is single-spaced; it uses a font of 12 PT; you use italics to highlight information, but do not underline it (except web addresses); all illustrations, graphs and tables are located in the appropriate places in the text, but not at the end of the document.

If the article meets all the above requirements, it is necessary to be sent together with the registration form (download form) to the e-mail address:


The authors who publish articles in this journal agree to the following.

  1. The authors retain copyright and grant the journal right of the first publication of the research, which will be automatically licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License at the end of 6 months after the publication. It permits others to distribute the research by preserving the links to the author’s original article and the original publication in this journal.
  2. The authors have the right to post their article on the Internet (for example, on the Institute’s website or personal website) prior to and during the article review by the journal, as it can lead to productive discussion and more references on this research.


Personal data and e-mail addresses sent to the editorial address will be used only for the purposes designated by this journal and will not be used for any other purposes and will not be provided to other individuals and organizations.

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