Rubrics: SERVICE
Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
With the establishment of a set of activities whose agents function as contractors and providers of service facilitating and promoting the service consumers´ entrepreneurial, managerial, financial and economic, as well as industrial, processes, contemporary economy has seen the interaction between companies and organizations going beyond purely industrial co-operation. The inter-business-entity relationship is gaining economic momentum. However, scientists differ as regards the classification of organization- and company-consumed services. It is only a limited number of services, such as business, professional, and intellectual, that have attracted high research effort and are relatively well-explored, with the totality of company- and organization-oriented services still under-researched. The author has conducted an analysis of service-grouping classification criteria, the results of which serve to emphasize the expediency of major classification criteria identification and of working out a classification based on the principles of the differentiated approach to defining the company- and organization-consumed service market with the view to identifying the common properties and shared characteristics of various services.

company and organization-consumed services, supplier, consumer, service

В современной экономике сформировался рынок услуг предприятиям и организациям, который в настоящее время становится фактором, во многом определяющим возможности


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