Moscow, Russian Federation
This article describes the conceptual apparatus of modern staff technologies in all spheres of activities relating to personnel management, and specifically examines selection, recruiting, hiring, training, development, assessment, staff motivation. It also includes the classification of types of staff technologies, reflecting the specificity and the complexity of this concept. Personnel management is a complex of various concepts, technologies, ideas and methods of construction and administration of organizations and projects. Personnel management is recognized as one of the most important fields of activity spheres of the enterprise and can greatly increase the enterprise efficiency, and the concept of " personnel management" is considered in the broad sense on the one hand as an economic and statistical concept on the other as a philosophical and psychological one. Tools of personnel management are staff technologies. The relevance of the study lies in the fact that staff is the most important resource in the hospitality because 90% of the services provided by hotels include staff’s work of high quality. The authors researched the use of modern staff technologies in the staff management of Moscow hotels: LLC (Limited Liability Company) "Project Hotel" (hotel "Arbat house"); LLC "Tourist and hotel complex "ALFA"; LLC "Marriott Grand Hotel Moscow". Special attention is given to the following staff technologies: recruitment, personnel assessment, training and motivation. On the basis of the analysis of the use of modern staff technologies it is possible to observe unnecessary "ignore" of such technologies as infographics, and this tool can be used in all spheres of work with the hotel staff, which are presented in the article. The authors present specific applications of infographics in staff recruitment and training, as well as the efficiency of its use. Watching the dynamics of scientific and technological progress by studying the history of the world's largest corporations of hotel business, you can make a logical conclusion: a necessary condition for the success of any company is the sum of the effective use of modern staff technologies.
staff technologies, hospitality industry, hotel, infographics, recruitment, training, assessment, motivation
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