Rubrics: TOURISM
Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article is devoted to the creation of one of the main elements of the tourist destination marketing– tourist information center (TIC). In countries with high tourism development the TICs are integral to the promotion of each destination, in Russia at the moment there are only a few dozens. The authors point out main problems of creation and development of the TIC in Russia: harmonization of interests of founders, funding, functions. They are solved differently, depending on how they create the InfoCenter, which can be state or municipal institution, private profit organization, a public non-profit corporate structure or instrument of the Association of tourism enterprises. However, in specific domestic situations with limited development of the tourism market may the University may become the initiator and main driving force of TIC. The article discusses the unique successful experience of authors on creation of the particles on the basis of the University – ​the Tourist information centre of Kemerovo region on the basis of Kemerovo State University. It was created as a result of the interaction between structures of education, government, business, and business in the framework of the projects «Tempus» «Network of regional centers for tourism». The participants of the project (Kemerovo State University, Department of youth policy and sports of administration of the Kemerovo region and the Kuzbass Association of tourism industry) fonded the Regional resource centre of the tourism industry on the base of University. The resource center created and developed two important interrelated projects: «Tourist information centre of Kemerovo region» and «Strategy of development of tourist-recreational cluster of Kuzbass for the period up to 2025».

tourist information center, destination, tourism marketing

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