Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article discusses the requirements for modern companies in the innovation economy. In particular, it noted the impact of globalization, technologizing and humanization in the development of modern organizations. The company in the changing economic conditions of forced to pay special attention to the vast number of factors, many of which are not production-economic or financial nature, and have, for example, political, culture and anthropological nature. So, it was marked by the need for new approaches to working with employees inside the companies due to the fact that the value of each of them has been steadily increasing as growing and competition for professionals with broad competencies. Consider the category of corporate or organizational knowledge as a basis for competitive advantage of organizations. In particular, the article noted that in spite of the total implementation of information technology and automation of the various activities, human resources and human capital are basic and the main source of knowledge and information necessary for effective company operations. For this reason special significance various forms of motivation and stimulation of creativity, initiative, generating ideas and other areas of innovation. In this regard, the article separately noted the particular importance of creativity as the most important economic activity within the company for the production and use of knowledge and innovation. The article describes the characteristics of the process of knowledge management, including conservation and use. The aims and objectives of knowledge management in the framework of increasing innovation activity of enterprises in modern conditions of growing competition and constantly changing market conditions.

innovation economy, innovations, competitive advantages, knowledge management, creativity, organization

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