Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
This article analyzes the complementary nature and structure of different types of female deviancy in Tsaritsyn at the end of XIX – beginning of XX centuries, describes the main socio-economic factors contributing to the development of this anomie in this historical period in society. The authors examine the motivational complex, the structure and form of the female deviant behavior, present trends in the development of female deviancy. This scientific research is devoted to the theoretical foundations of the influence of economic stability on the species structure of deviant and delinquent behavior of women. In this study, there is the analysis of various types of female deviancy of this period in Tsaritsyn and the development of technologies of minimization of the deviant behavior of women in situations of economic change. Advantage of the research is a logical structuring and grouping of key issues related to the dynamics and species structure of deviant behavior women of Tsaritsyn, which permitted to analyze quite extensive statistical material. The authors examine the main factors that activate the deviant behavior of women in the period of economic transformation of society.

female deviant behavior, specific structure, anomie, personal disorganization, marginalization, economic stability, social norm, economic crisis, behavioral expectations, social welfare

Достаточно противоречивым историческим этапом для России была вторая половина XIX в. Этот период характеризовался совокупностью процессов индустриализации, урбанизации, изменения механизмов экономической системы. В Нижнем Поволжье в это время наблюдалось бурное экономическое развитие, активное вовлечение женщин в экономическую и социальную деятельность.


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