Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article is devoted to ethical aspects of reputation management. The authors, bringing together different research methodology such as categorical and phenomenological analysis, examine the moral categories associated with the concept of reputation. Therefore, the concept of “image”, “goodwill” reveals its importance in the context of the ethical categories and moral manifestations of consciousness, such as authority, social responsibility, honesty, integrity, respect for the interests of another. In the future human dimensions of management, such as corporate ethics, corporate culture, as well as the position subjectivist approach to research of the image of the organization is ethical-oriented concept of reputation management. The author defends the position according to which it’s necessary to examine social entrepreneurship in all its dimensions, which is designed to assess the activity of the enterprise by connecting scientists, as well as components of civil society, from the perspective of human values – moral and ethical categories. In this understanding, social expertise acts as “ethical expertise”. In conjunction with the notion and phenomenon of corporate ethics there are generalizations in the context of General ethical categories. The authors show that corporate ethics is the basis, the Foundation for formation of business reputation, corporate image and other ethical components of corporate reputation. In connection with the concept of ethically-oriented management protected in the article there are the prospects for use of this methodological approach for its application not only to build a successful business reputation of the organization, but also in the process of creating a brand, developing a content marketing strategy.

reputation management, company reputation, brand, corporate ethics

Проблема защиты корпоративной репута-

ции – важнейшая в современной социальной

и культурной ситуации как в российском, так

и общемировом масштабах. Это связано в наи-

большей степени с тем, что как крупные ком-

пании, так и средний бизнес находятся под

пристальным вниманием общественности, при

этом микроскоп общественного мнения на-

правлен преимущественно в сторону социально-

нравственных сопровождающих и последствий



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