Rubrics: TOURISM
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Abstract (English):
In modern society, tourism is of great socio-cultural importance of forming new behavior algorithms of various categories of the population. The flow of tourists increases, more people appear with disabilities who remain limited mobility due to the presence of numerous social barriers that need to be adaptive conditions of consumption of tourist services in the framework of tourism, accessible to all. Involvement of disabled people in the tourism industry remains an unsolved problem. Persons with special needs in tourist services are among the switched off from society. Issues related to the provision of tourist services are resolved not to the full extent without the conditions for such activities. Information about opportunities for persons with disabilities in Russian is very limited. Use of tourism in the system of social protection remains the least affordable and little studied. At the same time, tourists with special needs in the travel services are potential customers for businesses, they can participate in the economic development, to make a profit. We believe that to a certain degree this is connected with insufficient development of theoretical and conceptual issues of adaptive tourism, which affects in particular the question of society´s attitude to such concepts as "human health" and "disability". Considering tourism as a complex adaptive relationship, social, psychological, medical, sports and recreation and other measures which are included in the content of tourism activities in providing tourism services for persons with special needs, the priority is allocated in a specific form of psychosocial work at all levels of the tourism industry. Adaptive tourism is focused on the study and implementation of subject-subject relationship that accompany the promotion tour. And it´s not only the elimination of barriers to the movement of the mechanical traveling. The question is about a particular way of working with people with special needs in tourist services. lack of attention to categories of people requiring special conditions in tourism, underdevelopment of appropriate infrastructure reduce the motivation for learning by those who in their professional activities would like to have specific tourist services to persons with disabilities. Adaptive tourism is based, on the one hand, on the general theory and methodology of social work, and on the other- on the technology of the organization of tourist activity and the concept of adaptive physical training (adaptive physical education, adaptive sports, adaptive motor recreation). Our research has allowed developing the scientific and theoretical basis of the concept of model-specific tourism activities and offers a training profile for psychosocial workers capable of organizational and managerial activities with persons with special needs in tourist services.

disability, special needs, tourist services, adaptive tourism.

Основу инвалидности составляет проявление различных видов и форм ограничений жизнедеятельности, детерминированных социальными условиями. Различные виды и формы ограничений жизнедеятельности рассматриваются в широких пределах и не исключают возможности участия человека в социально-культурной жизни общества. Чтобы быть в равных условиях, лица с ограничением жизнедеятельности предъявляют особые потребности, что обеспечивает адекватное функционирование.


В историческом аспекте прослеживаются неоднозначные модели инвалидности, которые лежат в основе формирования отношения общества к инвалидам и инвалидов к обществу [5].


В рамках медицинской модели инвалидность определяется как нарушение или хроническое состояние, ограничивающее жизнедеятельность индивидуума. Признание инвалида больным ориентирует на соответствующее к нему отношение, исключающее рассмотрение социального аспекта ограничения жизнедеятельности. Решение всех проблем сводится к тому, чтобы все усилия по интеграции инвалидов сконцентрировать на лечении и различного рода компенсациях.


Рассмотрение инвалидности как индивидуального состояния индивидуума, вызванное нарушением здоровья, травмой или дефектом развития, порождает трудности для определения социальной роли инвалидов как единой со-циоструктурной единицы и его возможностей активного участия в жизни. Указанный подход способствует понижению социального статуса


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