Saint Petersburg, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
The aim of the article is to determine the characteristics of management of spa facilities. The urgency of this problem stems from the fact that over the past quarter-century historical period of market relations the potential of the spa treatment, rehabilitation and recreation in Russia decreased in four times. To a certain extent this is due to the lack of entrepreneurial activities. It is proved that every enterprise of the sanatorium sphere should operate two separate, but organically interrelated management tools: a) the mechanism for managing the treatment, which is impossible without the second tool; b) a mechanism for business, creating conditions for effective treatment and rest. We consider that the results of spa businesses are two products: the first - in the form of creating conditions for rest and treatment. This product is sold in the form of vouchers, the value of which compensates for the cost of the enterprise to carry out treatment, and creating conditions for rest and allow a profit. Consumers of spa services as a result of rehabilitation and treatment restore and are involved in the manufacture of a product of society, therefore, the result of the treatment can be expressed in the form of a certain percentage of growth of the human capital of the country. Features of the mechanism of entrepreneurship in the health resort company is not the product (as a set of conditions for treatment and rest, and the system of health services) delivered to the consumer, but on the contrary, consumer services to the product. Presented are tree goals of the process of creating these two products by sanatorium enterprises. From the facilities management of spa businesses highlighted is its foundation mechanism - organizational and economic. It is a set of organizational structures, concrete forms and methods of management tools and instruments, as well as the organic unity of production, financial, social, technological and economic relations, legal forms, affecting business entities of sanatorium branch in order to create conditions for qualified rehabilitation of recreants with continuous improvement of medical base, hotel services and providing a comfortable stay for guests.
business, spa service, entrepreneurial product, medical product, organizational and economic mechanism.
Санаторно-курортные предприятия России довольно тяжело переходили к рыночным отношениям. Если в 1990 г. было 7431 санаторно-курортное учреждение на 1299 тыс. коек [8, с. 3], то на 1 января 2014 г. — всего 1250 санаторно-курортных учреждения на 342 тыс. коек.
Переход крыночным отношениям санаторно-курортных предприятий показал, что недостаточно иметь один механизм управления лечением, надо обязательно формировать механизм управления бизнесом, предпринимательства.
Теория предпринимательства возникла на Западе. По И. Шумпетеру [17, с. 63], роль предпринимателя — быть инновационным создателем новых комбинаций факторов производства.
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