Rubrics: SERVICE
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Abstract (English):
In today´s world there is urgency to improving the scope of government (municipal) services, updating their delivery mechanisms by bringing them in line with modern requirements of society, under the influence of the rapidly developing information technology. State policy in Russia in the sphere of state (municipal) services includes a range of activities, the implementation of which aimed at improving the legal regulation of this sector, the introduction of new forms of state (municipal) services, streamlining the organization of supply and improving the quality of the services. These activities are implemented in stages within the framework of state reforms that are going on in Russia for more than a decade. The article analyzes a specific budget measures and administrative reforms in state (municipal) services. The analysis of the concepts "public service" and "public function" within the legal format allowed the author to distinguish between measures to improve the organization of state (municipal) social services provided by the state (municipal) institutions and public services provided directly by state executive bodies ( "administrative " services). For example, in the area of social services the ratio of the planned amount of state (municipal) services and their financial security remain key issues. In order to improve "administrative" services innovation in recentyears are rapidly introduced new forms of delivery of these services, which are key objectives of the possibility of application for state (municipal) services in electronic form, as well as creating a network of institutions authorized for the provision of public ( municipal) "administrative" services — multipurpose centers. However, the general unsolved problem within the scope of public administration (municipal) services is improving their quality and accessibility.

administrative reform, budget reform, public services, municipal services, public and function, provision of public and municipal services, multiservice center, state and municipal institutions.

Социально-экономическое развитие страны напрямую зависит от целей государственной политики и основных задач государственного управления, эффективности, результативности и мобильности их решения.


При этом уровень и качество жизни граждан, масштабность реализуемых государством мероприятий в социальной сфере всегда неразрывно связаны с состоянием экономики в целом и перспективой ее развития, влиянием внешних


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