Rubrics: TOURISM
Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article examines tourist facilities, which are located in the West part of Moscow and belong to the Fili-Kuntsevo area. The author distinguishes and analyzes three types of tourism resources — historical, cultural and natural. The author uses wide variety of sources and literature for their characteristics: annals, chronicles, memoirs, letters, research. The historical monuments should include Kuntsevskoe gorodishche (literally "the settlement Kuntsevo") and Poklonnaya Gora (literally "Bow-down Hill"). Kuntsevskoe gorodishche is one of the oldest monument of material culture and a centre of metalwork. Poklonnaya Gora in written sources was first mentioned in 1360, At pre-sent, there have formed two memorial complex associated with the Patriotic war of 1812 and the great Patriotic war of 1941–1945 Among the significant monuments there is Kutuzov's hut, panorama of the battle of Borodino, Triumphal arch, Central Museum of the great Patriotic war of 1941–1945, the obelisk of the Victory, Museum of military equipment. Among the cultural tourist objects there is marked out the estate of the Naryshkins of the XVIII-th century, the Church of the Intercession in Fili (built in 1690-1694), the Sign of the virgin in Kuntsevo (1913), the Vernicle Image to Setun in Troekurovo (1673–1676), where the famous icon painter Simon Ushakov created his master-pieces, and the Nativity of the Theotokos in Krylatskoye (1862-1877). The famous style of "Naryshkin Baroque" is presented in the Church of the Intercession at Fili, where such outstanding painters of the XVII-th century, as Karp Zolotarev and Kirill Ulanov worked. The special attraction Fili-Kuntsevsky area is natural landscape with its ponds, flora, fauna, forest park. The article can serve as a basis for develop-ment of methodical recommendations in organization of informative walking tours.

Kuntsevo, landscape, writers, tourism, estate, Philly, artists
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