The article is devoted to the study of the scientific sphere of service and services which are included in it. Analysis of aspects of this field has begun recently. Increasing interest in this subject is explained with the transition of society to post-industrial (informational) development, that is, to the society, where the basis is the contemporary acquisition of new knowledge and relevant information. Today science is considered as a specific production objective (overt, explicit) knowledge. Consequently, the sphere of scientific service is a special part of the sphere of services directly associated with the specific activity of scientific institutions and organizations. However, despite the significant role of the sphere of scientific services in economic growth, in the direction of the course of scientific and technical policy (SSTP) and the competitiveness of any developed or just developing country, we should establish that there are several understudied aspects and controversial issues. In particular, the scientific literature gives little attention to the research of the sphere of scientific service; there is no universally accepted definition of the sphere of scientific service. This article presents some theoretical positions about the nature of this sphere and gives its features. The authors give the clarified definition of «scientific services» and identify the proposed location of the sphere of scientific service in the field of services. The article discusses the various services in the field of scientific services. Names are from classifications officially cited or mentioned in the periodical literature (both foreign and domestic). According to the results the authors give the definition of the services in the field of scientific service based on the analyzed classifications.
scientific services, research institutions, services, knowledge economy
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