Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
A symbolic and cultural analysis of the Oriental Philosophers’ writings is invariably a matter of great challenge and difficulty. It is always full of allegory and literary divagations which intersperse a smooth flow of argumentation. This paper is written by Marklen Konurbaev, Professor of Literature at Moscow State University and his son Salavat, a student of Arabic Philosophy. The paper consists of six parts and attempts to reveal the hidden message of a famous extract from the renowned book Ihya Ulum Al Din by a Persian philosopher Ghazālī, Abu Ḥamid Muḥammad Ibn Muḥammad Al-Tūsī, devoted to the analysis of the notion of “fairness” in the doings of a ruler. The symbolic and cultural analysis of the work was performed based on the methodology propounded by Roland Gérard Barthes – a French literary theorist, philosopher, linguist and critic. This is the first ever attempt to put together the methodological efforts of a Western scholar and profoundly oriental piece of philosophy. Results of the hermeneutic study are stunning and elucidating. The paper could be recommended to the students of literature and philosophy at the universities and colleges.

hermeneutics, falsafa, Ghazzali, Gazali, Roland Barthes, semantics, islam, interpretation, Ihya, semiotics, culture, oriental culture, Sufism, state management, oriental philosophy

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